Shayne Sherman

Shayne Sherman

TechLoris Guru

Shayne is an expert on all things Microsoft Windows and computer security. As a Windows user of over 30 years, he has been featured on Business Insider, Yahoo, Tech Republic, Hacker Noon, Techopedia, and many other publications. Aside from entertaining at his home theater, he enjoys spending time with his family, including his English bulldog, Fergie.

Latest posts by Shayne


Uninstalling Discord: A Step-By-Step Guide

Why Do Users Uninstall Discord? Discord has its fair share of issues, like any other app or software. Some users uninstall Discord because it doesn’t meet their expectations regarding reliability; others uninstall it due to…


[Solved]: Printer Connections on Windows 10

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a reliable printer is essential for both professional and personal tasks. Whether it’s printing important documents for work or cherished family photos, a seamless connection between your printer and…


Fixing the Windows Update Error 0x80070002

What are the Primary Causes of the 0x80070002 Error? The 0x80070002 error typically occurs when the system cannot find a specific file. Corrupt or missing system files, incorrect registry settings, viruses, malware, hardware failure, and…