Sed Galope

Sed Galope

TechLoris Guru

Sedfrey is an experienced writer and editor. He's also a PC hardware and gaming enthusiast. In his spare time, he enjoys reading about the latest innovations in the PC market and finding fixes to hardware and software errors.

Latest posts by Sed


[GUIDE] ShareMe for PC Installation

The Xiaomi ShareMe app, also known as the Mi Drop app, has become one of the most used file-sharing and data transfer applications in recent years. ShareMe is currently supported on all Android mobile devices,…


[FIXED] Gmail Not Loading

It can be frustrating when your Gmail is not working correctly. Common issues happen across all operating devices, whether Mac OS, Windows, or Linux. The troubleshooting solutions mentioned below can be utilized similarly on each…


Full Guide to Installing Xender for PC

Xender is one of the leading file transfer and sharing applications on Android and iOS devices. It transfers files of different sizes and types between other devices. Removing the need for using Wi-Fi, mobile data…