[Full Guide] How to Open the Clipboard in Windows 10

[Full Guide] How to Open the Clipboard in Windows 10

/ Shayne Sherman

Finding and Enabling Clipboard on Windows 10

The clipboard functionality is disabled by default on Windows 10 by Microsoft, but you can enable it manually through two methods.

Through Windows Setting

1. Press the Windows key + I simultaneously to access the Settings menu.

2. In Settings, click on System.

3. Select Clipboard Settings from the left panel.

enable clipboard history

4. Toggle the switch under Clipboard history to On.

Keyboard Shortcut

1. Press Win + V.

2. Toggle the switch under Clipboard history to On.

The Microsoft Word application has Clipboard options for access within the program. To do this, open Microsoft Word, navigate to the Home section, and click the Clipboard icon.

click clipboard button

How to Use Clipboard on Windows 10

Cut and Copy

Open the file you wish to edit to cut or copy content from a document, email, or file. It is possible to cut or copy multiple items individually, including text, hyperlinks, images, and other types of content.

copy paste commands

View Clipboard History

To open the clipboard viewer and access your clipboard history, press the Windows key and V simultaneously. Within the Clipboard window, you can easily copy items back to the clipboard or paste them into any application.

view clipboard history

How to Paste with Clipboard

To paste the content into a document, first open the document and then launch the clipboard history by pressing the Windows key and V simultaneously. Next, select the item you wish to paste and either click on it or move it to the desired location using your cursor, then press the Enter key.

To dismiss the clipboard, click anywhere outside of it. To paste multiple items, you can select each item in the Clipboard and then paste them into the desired application or document.

Manage Clipboard History

To remove an item from the clipboard history, press Windows +V to open it and then click the X button. Select the Clear All option in the clipboard window’s top right corner to delete the entire clipboard history.

delete history in clipboard history


To clear your clipboard data on Windows 10, navigate to the Settings menu, select System, and click on Clipboard. From there, locate the option labeled Clear clipboard data, and click on the Clear button to remove all stored data from your clipboard.

clear clipboard data

How to Pin an Item to the Clipboard

If you want to preserve an item in your clipboard history, even when you clear the entire content, press the Windows key and V to launch the history and then click on the pin icon associated with the item you wish to save. To unpin the item and remove it from your saved history, click the pin icon once more and then delete it as usual.

pin clipboard history

How to Sync Clipboard History on Windows 10

Both machines must run Windows 10 1903 (or later) to use the Clipboard feature. Additionally, you must ensure that you are logged in with the same Microsoft account and that both machines are connected to the internet.

To turn on this feature, navigate to Windows Settings > System > Clipboard and toggle on the Sync across devices button.

sync across device

You can select the option to automatically sync text or sync when you open the clipboard history by pressing Ctrl + V. The time for the clipboard history to appear on the second computer will depend on your internet connection speed. Once it appears, you can use the Ctrl + V shortcut on the second computer to paste the synced content.

How to Access the Clipboard on an Android Phone

The copy-paste feature on an Android phone does not save items to the clipboard forever. If you cut or copy an item, paste it before cutting or copying another item; otherwise, the copied text will be lost.

The copied or cut text will be lost if you turn off your phone before pasting. Android phones store the cut or copied text in the device’s RAM, a short-term memory. You must use the Clipboard feature to retain access to copied content even when you don’t paste it.

Through Swiftkey Beta

1. Open the Swiftkey Beta app.

enable swiftkey

2. Click on Rich Input.

3. From there, navigate to the Clipboard section.

4. Toggle on the Clipboard history feature.

Through Gboard

1. Download and install the Gboard keyboard app in Google Play Store.

install gboard

2. Select the language.

3. Go through the prompted configuration setting.

4. Set Gboard as your default keyboard.

5. Go to the Keyboard settings and click on Clipboard.

enable gboard

6. Slide the sliding icon to On.

Through Clipper Clipboard Manager

clipper clipboard manager

1. Open the Google Play store.

2. Search for Clipper Clipboard Manager.

3. Tap on install.

4. Launch the clipboard manager.

Where Is Clipboard Data Stored?

The Windows Clipboard stores all its contents in the system RAM and does not have a dedicated file on the computer’s hard drive or other storage media. If you shut down your machine, the clipboard data will be lost.

Having learned how to enable and access the Clipboard on Windows 10, view its history, paste items from it, and delete or clear its contents, you are now equipped with the necessary knowledge to manage your Clipboard effectively.

What Is the Windows Clipboard?

The Windows clipboard is a temporary storage area in the computer’s memory where text, images, and other data copied or cut from a document or file are stored. The data remains in the clipboard until it is replaced by new information or until the computer is shut down or restarted.

Users can then paste the copied or cut items into another document or file in the same application or a different one.

I Can’t Copy Something to the Clipboard

You cannot copy Something to the clipboard for several reasons. To resolve this issue, you can try checking if the source file or text is not protected, restarting the computer, ensuring the file is not too large, disabling any third-party software, checking if the clipboard is working properly, or updating/reinstalling drivers for your keyboard or mouse. If none of these solutions work, further technical support may be necessary.

I Can’t See my Clipboard History

If you cannot see your clipboard history, there are a few things you can check. Firstly, ensure that clipboard history is enabled by going to Settings > System > Clipboard > Clipboard history and turning the toggle switch on. Another thing to consider is the size limit of your clipboard history. By default, the history is set to store up to 25 items. The older ones will be automatically deleted if you have copied over 25 items. You can increase the limit in the Clipboard settings to ensure that all your copied items are stored in the history.

Unlock the Power of Clipboard in Windows 10 – A Comprehensive Guide

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the clipboard in Windows 10 can greatly enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow. With the tips and techniques covered in this comprehensive guide, you now have the knowledge and tools to make the most of the clipboard feature. Whether copying and pasting multiple items, accessing clipboard history, or using keyboard shortcuts, harnessing the power of the clipboard will revolutionize how you work with text and images. Take advantage of these capabilities and unlock the full potential of the clipboard in Windows 10.

Shayne Sherman
Meet the author

Shayne is an expert on all things Microsoft Windows and computer security. As a Windows user of over 30 years, he has been featured on Business Insider, Yahoo, Tech Republic, Hacker Noon, Techopedia, and many other publications. Aside from entertaining at his home theater, he enjoys spending time with his family, including his English bulldog, Fergie.