Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife
What is Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife?
Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife is software application developed by MumboJumbo, LLC. It is most commonly found on computers running Windows 7 with nearly 63.27% of installations running this operating system. Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife's installer is typically 109.00 MB in size and installs around 5 files.
Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife is most popular in the United States with 62.36% of installations residing in this country.
About Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife?
Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife is a casual game distributed through the online portal and powered by iPlay. The game is available for a free trial. Please note that the installer for this game includes the optional installation of the GameBar toolbar, a web browser toolbar.
Software Details
- URL:
- Support:
- –
- Installation path:
- C:\Program Files\mumbojumbo\luxor - quest for the afterlife
- Uninstaller:
- C:\Program Files\MumboJumbo\Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife\uninstall.exe Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife
- Size:
- 109.00 MB
- Language:
- English
Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife Executable Details
- Primary executable:
- uninstall.exe
- Name:
- Luxor - Quest for the Afterlife
- Path:
- C:\Program Files\mumbojumbo\luxor - quest for the afterlife\uninstall.exe
- MD5:
- f22b2f89b95db6c699c2d253ee0ae1c0
- SHA-1:
- –
- SHA-256:
- –