Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension

Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension

Known Toolbar

by Mindspark Interactive Network

What is Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension?

Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension is software application developed by Mindspark Interactive Network. It is most commonly found on computers running Windows 7 with nearly 74.84% of installations running this operating system. Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension's installer is typically 4.00 MB in size and installs around 12 files.

Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension is most popular in Germany with 15.43% of installations residing in this country.

About Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension?

The Allin1Convert Toolbar is a web browser extension designed to modify the search and home pages of the user's browser and generate search advertising revenue. It is intended to protect and maintain the modified search provider as the default browser search engine. The toolbar is commonly distributed through bundled offers within third-party software distributions, often in collaboration with third-party publishers to maximize installation revenue. The toolbar's functionalities include changing the default search engine, including the browser's built-in search box and address bar, as well as modifying the default home page and new tab settings while protecting the user's search settings.

Multiple virus scanners have detected malware in Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension.

Bedienungsanleitung Gigaset.exe (MD5: f1597eb860c8082d812f70b75dbc6b26) has been flagged by 6 scanners:
Scanner Software Result
avast! Win32:Mindspark-A [PUP]
AVG Zango
Kingsoft AntiVirus Win32.Troj.Undef.(kcloud)
Rising Antivirus Trojan.Win32.Generic.14B8B461
TrendMicro-HouseCall TROJ_GEN.F47V0827
VIPRE Antivirus MyWebSearch.J (v) (not malicious)

Software Details

Installation path:
C:\Program Files\allin1convert_8h chrome extension\bar
C:\Program Files\Allin1Convert_8h Chrome Extension\bar\Allin1ConvertCrxSetup.2154F8BE-9214-4C44-890E-3DAD23077508.exe /u mindsparktoolbarkey="Allin1Co
4.00 MB

Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension Executable Details

Primary executable:
Bedienungsanleitung Gigaset.exe
Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension
C:\Program Files\allin1convert_8h chrome extension\bar\Bedienungsanleitung Gigaset.exe
Files installed by Allin1Convert Toolbar Chrome Extension