Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
by FromSoftware
What is Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition?
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is software application developed by FromSoftware. It is most commonly found on computers running Windows 7 with nearly 51.78% of installations running this operating system. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition's installer is typically 816.00 KB in size and installs around 164 files.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is most popular in the United States with 62.24% of installations residing in this country.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition adds 5 scheduled tasks to the Windows Task Scheduler launching the program at randomly scheduled times. When using a computer that is connected to the internet, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition is known to create 5 firewall exceptions to allow inbound and outbound connectivity.
Software Behaviors
- Services:
- ScpService.exe runs as a service named 'SCP DS3 Service' (Ds3Service).
- Firewall:
- DATA.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Files\DarkSouls\DATA.exe'.
- DARKSOULS.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Files\DarkSouls\DARKSOULS.exe'.
- Steam.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Elliot\Lollollol !\Steam\Steam.exe'.
- TWFC.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Activision\Transformers - War for Cybertron\Binaries\TWFC.exe'.
- SteamTmp.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe'.
- Scheduled tasks:
- DARKSOULS.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{C1700670-2262-4853-A789-F8D876423324}' (runs on registration).
- Steam.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{CC29CBDA-1EA3-44CC-882F-AFADB7D351AB}' (runs on registration).
- DXSETUP.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{83EE4058-A0A8-44B6-A116-14CD927D91B6}' (runs on registration).
- DATA.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{4CF08C21-00E4-40DB-B742-62800AC65DF2}' (runs on registration).
- SteamTmp.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{0FA4F2B3-5879-4EB7-87D7-15A36952D352}' (runs on registration).
Startup Entries
- Startup tasks:
- Steam.exe is automatically launched at startup through a scheduled task named Steam Startup.
- Registry entries:
- Steam.exe is loaded in the current user (HKCU) registry as an auto-starting executable named 'Steam' and executes as "C:\Program Files\Steam\steam.exe" -silent.
- SteamTmp.exe is loaded in the current user (HKCU) registry as an auto-starting executable named 'Steam' and executes as "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -silent.
Software Details
- URL:
- https://preparetodie.com
- Support:
- https://support.steampowered.com
- Installation path:
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition
- Uninstaller:
- "C:\Program Files\Steam\steam.exe" steaC://uninstall/211420
- Size:
- 816.00 KB
- Language:
- English
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Executable Details
- Primary executable:
- Dark Souls_Prepare To Die Edition v1.0 Plus 22 Trainer.exe
- Name:
- Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
- Path:
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition\Dark Souls_Prepare To Die Edition v1.0 Plus 22 Trainer.exe
- MD5:
- 5d53216b1fc3d6873500f8ff9a4cfe69
- SHA-1:
- –
- SHA-256:
- –
File Type | Filename | MD5 |
c7eb499ffa78a57c9c939f4ca498ce56 | |
07bd29949a72f6ba0c34382694584d45 | |
93fa99fdc2a7d0ad0152f98430453f04 | |
c0a775a3218a9cdbb940522b1dddb515 | |
19e7714c0e63ae5870676b17de9ee746 | |
8d53e878454e9fce41c0493e21825008 | |
551d7a313821687e9f3a47f65ff10bcc | |
58ae394df1e07e561c2c567b38a5b68d | |
7e8fd5f6e2cbebf1f5fd53060a67ed15 | |
0d0aa0d84fb7f9366a9d75547af43628 |