Avira Launcher
What is Avira Launcher?
Avira Launcher is software application developed by Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG. It is most commonly found on computers running Windows 10 with nearly 60.58% of installations running this operating system. Avira Launcher's installer is typically 7.00 MB in size and installs around 62 files. The most common release is with 10.35% of all installations currently using this version.
Avira Launcher is most popular in the United States with 27.40% of installations residing in this country.
Avira Launcher adds 1 scheduled task to the Windows Task Scheduler launching the program at randomly scheduled times. When using a computer that is connected to the internet, Avira Launcher is known to create 1 firewall exception to allow inbound and outbound connectivity.
Software Behaviors
- Services:
- Avira.ServiceHost.exe runs as a service named 'Avira.ServiceHost' (Avira.ServiceHost) "Hosts multiple Avira services within one Windows service.".
- Firewall:
- Avira.Systray.exe is added as a firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.Systray.exe'.
- Scheduled tasks:
- Avira.Systray.exe is scheduled as a task with the class '{D84D3031-DCD6-4ED0-8F74-552A91FABB66}' (runs on registration).
Startup Entries
- Startup tasks:
- Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe is automatically launched at startup through a scheduled task named Avira SystrayStartTrigger_Reg_HKLMWow6432Run.
- Registry entries:
- Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe is loaded in the current user (HKCU) registry as an auto-starting executable named 'Avira SystrayStartTrigger' and executes as C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.SystrayStartTrigger.exe.
- Avira.Systray.exe is loaded in the current user (HKCU) registry as an auto-starting executable named 'Avira' and executes as C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.Systray.exe.
Software Details
- URL:
- –
- Support:
- –
- Installation path:
- C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\
- Uninstaller:
- "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{b76c0d12-422c-44e3-9daa-9363451e24cd}\Avira.OE.Setup.Bundle.exe" /uninstall
- Size:
- 7.00 MB
- Language:
- English
Avira Launcher Executable Details
- Primary executable:
- Avira.ServiceHost.exe
- Name:
- Avira Launcher
- Path:
- C:\Program Files\Avira\Launcher\Avira.ServiceHost.exe
- MD5:
- a177265c1777abe56b22d921f91ddc38
- SHA-1:
- –
- SHA-256:
- –
File Type | Filename | MD5 |
0900b6c72905788aca613f89fe739bd3 | |
7b1f04ecaf30602838bb0c4393320123 | |
74d1d61ef1079d3b1d7980f0f8a45498 | |
2dc5e5f847d5c52d9eeb373c48f873e4 | |
eded2c725582a17b8e40890b2283b99c | |
01b95fd3645d019af3832dfa538760b6 | |
65bab25e5bbd9bbe7f1e957e776858f6 | |
5f46cb1312b3891e8fea0f4755b0eef1 | |
3c9420a013661b401791494cb9c7af91 | |
7c359500407dd393a276010ab778d5af |